Investigating Art Movements and Styles with Robert Arieas

  • General Creative Arts, Drawing and Painting
United States
Dec 07 2024
MEMBERS Investigating Art Movements& Styles
NON-MEMBERS Investigating Art Movements & Styles
  1. Mon 
  2. Tue 
  3. Wed 
  4. Thu 
  5. Fri 
  6. Sat1:00 - 4:00 pm
  7. Sun 


Ages 11 – 15

Saturday December 7, 1 – 4pm

Art Movements and styles is a class offering an opportunity for young art enthusiasts to study art history in a studio atmosphere with hands-on practice. We will discuss major movements and the main artists involved. We will make work in those styles studying and imitating some of the most popular and representative art pieces utilizing similar techniques. There will be brief slide shows and discussion in addition to directed studio time. Cubism, pointillism, mannerism and Pop art are just a few examples of subjects to be studied.


Class dates



Participants must be 11 years to 15 years old when the program starts.

Program enrollment capacity

Minimum: 4

Maximum: 12

Registration period

Registration starts on 08/30/2024 and ends on 12/07/2024.

In-person location

United States
Registration closed.